This Amber Basic Jar made of PET plastic can be used to package product that may be light sensitive. This dark amber jar is also great for fall products, men's products and much more.
Jar Height: 3". Top Requirement: 70/400.
Best Shrink Wrap Size: 115x55. Made in the U.S.A.
Tops sold separately.
Composition: PET Plastic (Virgin)
Recycle Number: 1
Total Jar Height: 3"
Jar Diameter: 2.75"
Top Requirements: 70/400
Country of Origin: United States
Max Fill Temperature: 140 degrees
Clarity: Clear
Stiffness: High
Impact Resistance: Excellent
Scuff Resistance: Fair
Fragrance Oil greater than 15%: Poor
Essential Oil greater than 5%: Poor
pH less than 7: Good
pH greater than 7: Fair
Alcohols: Good
Mineral Oils: Good
Heat: Fair
Cold: Good
Sunlight: Good
Country Of Origin: United States
Helpful Product Information:
Container Size (oz.): 8 Diameter: 2.75
Height: 3 Length: 2.75
Max Pour Temperature: 140°F Width: 2.75