Flashpoint: 176°
Vanilla Content: 0.60%
Country Of Origin:United States
Phthalate Free: True
Fresh sweet pomegranate flavor that has hints of sparkling citrus tones and juicy sweet red fruitiness. Gluten-free.
IFRA Maximum Skin Exposure Levels:
Body Lotion: 0.00% | Body Wash: 0.00% | Soap: 0.00% |
Face Cream: 0.00% | Body Powder: 0.00% | Baby: 0.00% |
Perfume: 0.00% | Deodorant: 0.00% | Lip: 8.00% |
Southern Scentsations, Inc. certifies that this fragrance product is in compliance with the standards of the International Fragrance Association, provided the fragrance is used in the above application (s) at the noted maximum concentration level(s).
The "Maximum Use Level for Skin Exposure" is the amount of fragrance, flavor and essential oil that can come in contact with the skin. It does not mean that your base product can perform at these levels. You must test each oil in each application for evaluation of desired performance. Baby products have lower use levels than those listed above.
Recommended Usage Rate:
Lip Balm, Lip Scrub, Lip Butter, Lip Gloss: 1-2%
To Determine The Amount of Flavor Oil Used In A Product:
The amount of flavor that should be used in a formulation depends on three factors:
1) The maximum amount of flavor the product base will accept.
2) The maximum IFRA skin safe level.
3) The amount of fragrance that smells good in your product.
You will look at these three maximum guidelines and use the LOWEST percentage.
Maximum Product Base Guidelines:
Lip Balm, Lip Scrub, Lip Butter, Lip Gloss: 10%
To Determine The IFRA Guidelines:
IFRA is a self-regulating trade organization that together with the industry's scientific center RIFM (the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials) establishes usage safety standards for materials that comprise fragrance and essential oils. Each year IFRA updates their standards based on sound science.
Southern Scentsations updates IFRA documents annually so that customers can stay up-to-date with the latest science. If you find IFRA levels have changed for your formula, it is standard to take 2 years to update products in the market.
Additional Information:
Flavor oils that contain vanilla or vanillin will change color. The color change can take days, weeks, or months and can vary from a light ivory to dark brown.
International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI):
Flavor Fragrance
Common Name Ingredient Listing (FDA Approved):
Flavor Fragrance
Pomegranate Berry Flavor SDS